Abortion Stories

April 26, 2022

4 unique stories, told in their own words from their different perspectives. All stories are anonymous for confidentiality.

A Man’s Story

“I’ve been with my girlfriend 5 months. We recently discovered she was 3 months pregnant. After around 4 weeks of deciding the best course of action, we both came to a decision however I wanted to keep it and she didn’t. I now find myself feeling damaged and guilty even though it wasn’t my decision to terminate the pregnancy. But I also understand her reasons for choosing to terminate. I’m just thinking now, can I continue the relationship and move on. Or is it better to have closure and go our separate ways?”

A Teenage Girl’s Story

“I never wanted to get an abortion but my ex-boyfriend was pressuring me so much to get it and when my mom found out she wanted me out of the house. She was always asking “what are u going to do with a baby” and she also said a baby would ruin my life. The same as my ex he said we were too young and that he wasn’t ready and that I wasn’t ready to be a mother. My mom took me to her doctor and he told me the same thing. Then that Saturday I went again and I saw my little baby for the first and last time. Even though I told my mom and the doctor I wanted to do it, I really didn’t want to do it. Everyone told me I’m too young to have a baby. I’m just 15 and I know I’m young but I could’ve done it. Now I can’t even sleep or think, all I do is think about my baby it’s been like 7 months and I still can’t overcome it. I just wish I could get a time machine or that all of this is a nightmare and I would wake up already.”

An Adult Woman’s Story

“I’m in my mid 40s and never in my life did I think I’d be this age and having an abortion. I am prochoice; however, I thought my days of being pregnant were in the past. I’ve only been pregnant once in my life and now my child is in her early 20s. I pretty much knew I was pregnant before I even took the test. At first I struggled with the decision of having an abortion but I had a lot of fears that helped me to make up my mind. First of all, the relationship I am in isn’t necessarily the healthiest and I worry about the child growing up in a broken home, like my first child did. Secondly, I fear starting over and alone at my age. Thirdly, I don’t believe my body could handle the pregnancy since I’ve had 2 cervical surgeries. I know by the way that I was beginning to feel that it would’ve been a very rough pregnancy. Even though these fears seem logical to me, when I think about it all, I feel selfish and low. I do feel a lot of guilt especially because I know the “would have been father” wanted another child. I also fear the thought of what would happen if he found out. Only one person in my life knows about it and they are sworn to secrecy. This is because I do feel ashamed and I know that it will hurt others in my life. Until today I’ve felt really numb about it all but just about every emotion I could feel has finally surfaced. I am so glad I found this website. I do believe venting all of my emotions has helped me even if this letter disappears and no one reads it. I am vowing, from this point forward, that I’m going to start on my path of healing so I can move on with life to the best of my ability. I pray things get better in life.”

A Mother’s Story

“I convinced my 15-year-old daughter to get an abortion and now I feel so guilty and I see how it’s affecting her.  Every month she gets depressed and cries in her room.  It has been a year.  I never thought it would affect her like this and I feel so angry at myself and now every month I get depressed and cry also.  I feel so responsible and I am so distraught over this.  I thought it was ok with her when I took her to get the abortion.  I thought everything would go back to normal.  I was so wrong and I am dying inside every day when I look at her.  I feel so guilty and so horrible with myself.  She writes letters to her unborn child and I feel so angry because if I would have known how she really felt, I would have been a stronger person for her.  She came to me for advice and she told me that she wanted to keep the baby and I was just so shocked and so scared and worried about what people would think and my family too because she was so young.  I looked at abortion from a medical point of view and that if done early enough it really wasn’t such a big deal.  I really wished that we would have gone to counseling before getting the procedure done because I know that we wouldn’t be in this situation at all.  After counseling, I know she would have had the baby.  We did this without thinking and we rushed into this and now we regret… Now I’m scared for her mental state because she writes in her letters that she can’t wait to see the baby in heaven.”

As you can see from these stories, Abortion Changes You, regardless of your stance on the topic of abortion.  No matter what role you play in the story, it is hard to remain unaffected. Sometimes an abortion experience can create intense emotions that you may not feel equipped to deal with on your own. You are not alone and we are here to listen.  Please contact us today to schedule an appointment to speak with one of our trained patient advocates.  All of our services are free and confidential.

*If you or someone you know is considering or planning to hurt oneself, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255).  If you are not ready to contact us, please visit abortionchangesyou.com to walk through the tasks of grieving, read more stories like the ones above, and learn healthy coping.*

Options Health is a safe place where you can confidentially come and discuss sexual health, pregnancy, and relationship issues with one of our patient advocates.  Feel free to contact us today to take advantage of our free services, including pregnancy testing, ultrasound, pregnancy options consultation, STD testing, and abortion aftercare.  We are here for you and ready to listen!


Source: https://abortionchangesyou.com